But… but… but… why would you even need such a thing? Does anyone actually use .txt files anymore? Actually, they do. Consider these cases:

Configuration filesContainer manifestsSource codeSimple listsREADME files

You’d be surprised at how handy a text file can be. Any use case where you need a document that doesn’t contain the formatting (and other bits) associated with traditional documents is where text files shine. And within the Google Drive ecosystem, there are two ways to generate a plain text file. Let me show you how each method works. Also: How to organize your Google Drive with these 5 tips 


The only thing you’ll need to create a text file from within Google drive is – you guessed it – a Google account. With that at the ready, let’s get to work.

How to create a new .txt file

How to convert a Google Document to a text file

Also: How to set up offline access in Google Drive And that, my friends, is how easy it is to create a basic text file within Google Drive. By creating such a file and saving it within Google Drive, you can also share those files with others for collaborative purposes. You might not need to create text files very often, but when you do, Google Drive is there to help.